LGD on the pasture Do you really know how to behave if you meet a flock of sheep on your hiking trail? In UE countries, informations about it would be accessible for tourists, especially on the areas passing through the seasonal grazing areas.
Vegan contribution to dog and wolf diet speculated Voyageurs Wolf Project again delivered evidences about another rare behavior, discovering not only local gray wolf individuals eating berries purposefully, but also regurgitating them to their pups. The basic question is to WHY those wolves eat fruits.
Ethics, electricity, dog collars and fences About confluences and discrepancies, moral and scientific aspects. About electric collars and fences.
She Wolf painted As a Christmas gift, that extraordinary painting has just been hanged on my wall, created by a gifted person. More poetic vision than other wild or folk ones. Hopefully, the first but not last, rare treasured art in my life.